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Character Sort

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Display images while sorting.

Embodiment of Scarlet DevilPerfect Cherry BlossomImmaterial and Missing Power
Imperishable NightPhantasmagoria of Flower ViewShoot the Bullet
Mountain of FaithScarlet Weather RhapsodySubterranean Animism
Touhou HisoutensokuUndefined Fantastic ObjectDouble Spoiler
Great Fairy WarsTen DesiresHopeless Masquerade
Double Dealing CharacterBooks and CDsThe Highly Responsive to Prayers
The Story of Eastern WonderlandPhantasmagoria of Dim.DreamLotus Land Story
Mystic SquareOthers
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Sorter for Touhou characters. Pick your sources, and hit the Start button.
Click on the character you like better from the two, or tie them if you like them equally or don't know them.
Depending on how many sources you pick, you'll get up to 746 picks, so set aside a good few cups of tea for this.
There'll be a table at the end of the picks with your favorites sorted out, plus a button to click for raw text to copy and paste.

Sick and tired of the original English sorter not being updated so I slapped on an update.
Also was kind of irked by the inconsistency of the art, which might influence close decisions. Picked out alphes' style and stuck with it.
Original credit: Made by haru from E-Phantasm. Scripts by migiwa from K-Factory.

Apparently AT&T is blocking comoj. Or something. I don't know. USA USA USA USA USA USA

24/01/13, external image hosting, undo option (credit to Anonymous from /jp/).
02/06/13, updated to Hopeless Masquerade and trial of Double Dealing Character.
19/08/13, updated to Double Dealing Character full.

Bother me for any gripes or help offers.